We offer private direction/coaching for solo performers, public presenters and live musicians (solo, duo and bands).
I wanted to write a solo show badly. For many years, but had no idea how to pull the things out of me that I wanted to write about. Samantha literally changed my life. I had wrapped so much fear around the process of writing. She simplified it and gave me exercises and tools and before I knew it I was having the time of my life and I had written more material than I knew what to do with. I put up a show, that Sam also directed, and I have since performed it several times at some crazy cool venues and been paid great money to do so.
Two months into my solo-coaching with Samantha Jones and we have outlined an entire one-woman-show! Her assigned prompts allowed me to explore topics I hadn't yet considered. Her feedback forced me to consider new narrators, new approaches, silly and sorrowful angles. Her expertise extracted performances I would have never known lived inside me, apparently itching to get out! Beyond those tangible rewards, Sam's infectious laugh, her open heart, and her ability to actively listen to my stories has changed me as an artist, and (dare I say) newly-minted confident person. I have never created this fluidly before; she's made me feel safe and supported enough to do so. She once called my story an "emergency" for audiences. I say, attending her private solo-coaching sessions is an emergency for artists!
Your life is about to get really interesting....
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