This original long-form show is directed by Jennifer Farmer. Inspired by The Muppet Show!
HVI celebrates PRIDE with IMPROV! Directed my Philip Mehl and Melinda DiMaio.
HVI hits the stage at The Catskills Comedy Festival Sneak Peek! Cast: Samantha Jones, Michael Withall, Raffaela Zaccaria, Melinda DiMaio, Susan Gray, Gina Lupino, Jamie Ashlaw, Patrick Domery, Jonathan Connolly, Heather Dell'Amore, Jennifer Farmer.
The premiere of a 20 minute version of our crime drama themed show.
Cast: Samantha Jones, Michael Withall, Laura Westman, Melinda DiMaio, Jennifer Farmer and Susan Gray
This is just a taste of the WILD end of year show we had! All of our 2023 students came on down to jump into games they'd never played before.
Directed by LAURA WESTMAN, this madhouse show takes the team through avant-garde montages, romantic moments and complete absurdity. Cast: Michael Withall, Susan Gray, Melinda DiMaio, Samantha Jones, Jennifer Farmer, James Steipp and Samantha Irvine
The House Team has no idea what's going to happen or who is playing what! See what happens. Directed by MELINDA DIMAIO and SUSAN GRAY. Featuring Lynda Sales, Michael Withall, Samantha Irvine, Melinda DiMaio, Susan Gray, Laura Westman, Samantha Jones and James Steipp
The Hudson Valley Improv House Team crafts a wild show themed around the social guest, horror writer, Sam Rebelein!
Cast: Michael Withall, Colleen Cody, Laura Westman, Lynda Sales, Susan Gray, Melinda DiMaio, Samantha Irvine and Jennifer Farmer
Written & Directed by Samantha Jones
Starring The Company Members of Hudson Valley Improv
Samantha Jones
Philip Mehl
James Steipp
Michael Withall
Raffaela Zaccaria
Tina Chambers
Lynda Sales
Kim Rice
Patrick Canino
Cricket Withall
Brice Engholm
Kyle Leon Henderson
Developed by The Company Members of Hudson Valley Improv
Samantha Jones
Philip Mehl
James Steipp
Michael Withall
Raffaela Zaccaria
Tina Chambers
Lynda Sales
Kim Rice
Cyndi Stew
Patrick Cannino
Directed by Philip Mehl, Samantha Jones, Michael Withall
Produced by Samantha Jones
Developed by The Company Members of Hudson Valley Improv
Samantha Jones
Philip Mehl
James Steipp
Michael Withall
Raffaela Zaccaria
Tina Chambers
Lynda Sales
Kim Rice
Cyndi Stew
Patrick Cannino
Conceived & Directed & Poetry by Philip Mehl
Produced & Co-Directed by Samantha Jones
Developed by The Company Members of Hudson Valley Improv
Select Pieces Written by Philip Mehl, Samantha Jones & Michael Withall Original Music Written/Performed by Cassie Mehl
Stage Manager/Board Operator Cricket Withall
Brett Eidman
Victoria Ford
Jeremy Fulton
Samantha Jones
Alisa Kwitney
Cassie Mehl
Philip Mehl
Trista Polo
James Steipp
Michael Withall
Raffaela Zaccaria
Jessie Zarrelli
Beth Zysberg
Written & DIrected by Samantha Jones
Cast: Beth Zysberg, Raffaela Zaccaria, Michele Weiner, Patrick Canino
Written & Directed by Samantha Jones
Cast: Raffaela Zaccaria, Alisa Kwitney, Jeremy Fulton, Cricket Withall, Beth Zysberg, James Steipp, Michael Withall, Michele Weiner
Razor ( played by Michael Withall), a 50 year old man living with his parents in the Hudson Valley. Join him live with his new green screen he just bought on Amazon! The show is filled with all sorts of things Razor thinks is interesting, like his ex-girlfriend from high school Nina, or music from the 80's, or his parents and whatever they're doing. Join Razor unplugged...but plugged in....and socially distant! (also features Samantha Jones and Cricket WIithall!)
Written and Directed by Michael Withall
Cast: James Steipp, Cricket Withall, Samantha Jones, Alisa Kwitney, Jeremy Fulton, Laine Blatt, Colin Secore, Abigail Blatt
A film noir mystery with a cast of teenagers, all done with social distancing!
Written and Directed by Cricket Withall
Cast: Cricket Withall, Abbey Blatt ,Colin Secore, Laine Blatt, Max Reinking, Willow Morehead, Nate Farmer
What happens to 4 teenagers when school is cancelled during COVID-19? Not what you're expecting!
What happens when five people who have never met are summoned to a secret Zoom meeting? Hudson Valley Improv's House Team, Uncle Cannibal, stars in this new film - fully improvised.
Cast: Michael Withall, Jeremy Fulton, James Steipp, Alisa Kwitney & Philip Mehl
Your life is about to get really interesting....
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